We're hiring!

Nebraska Mesonet weather station near Cook, NE
Nebraska Mesonet weather station near Cook, NE

Nebraska Mesonet weather station near Cook, NE

We're hiring!

The Nebraska State Climate Office is seeking an Undergraduate Student Internship (Vegetation Technician) for the Nebraska Mesonet, the network of real-time weather stations with 65 observing stations around Nebraska. We are looking for a technician to work as a team to support native grass management in the vicinity of our weather stations. Responsibilities include mowing and maintenance, establish new planting or reseeding to native grass species. The position is 40 hours per week during the summer and not to exceed 20 hours per week during the spring and fall semesters. It requires considerable driving, lifting and physical labor in remote locations.

If interested, please contact Dr. Martha Shulski (mshulski3@unl.edu) to apply and for further information about the position.

Brochure Download

Curious about the Nebraska State Climate Office? Want to share your passion for our weather network? Download our brochure, which provides a brief history of our organization, as well as our goals for the future.

Request A Speaker

We deliver a variety of climate talks, including on climate change, climate trends, and short-term climate outlooks. We also speak about our office and the Nebraska Mesonet. Invite us to speak.