Current Weather
Current conditions on East campus:
Name | Lincoln 1500 N 45th |
Valid time | 2024-09-06 08:00 CDT |
Latitude | 40.83° |
Longitude | -96.66° |
Temperature | 56°F |
Dewpoint | 54°F |
Relative Humidity | 92% |
4inch Soil Temperature | 67°F |
Incoming Solar Radiation | 78W/m^2 |
Wind Speed | 0MPH |
Wind Direction | NNW |
Mean Sea Level Pressure | 1026mb |
Hourly Precipitation | 0.00" |
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Climate News
Severe weather possible again
Monday, April 29, 2024
Preliminary damage from Friday coming in
Friday afternoon was a rough one in Nebraska and Iowa, with the Omaha are office issuing a record number of tornado warnings for a single day. Preliminary damage assessments are still coming in but as of now, we have confirmed EF3 damage in Lancaster
Climate Summaries
August 2024 Climate Summary
Sunday, September 15, 2024
A Dry August
August was a dry month for most of Nebraska, particularly in the northern and eastern parts. Average temperatures for the state hovered around 72.3ºF, with a maximum average of 85.8ºF, and average total precipitation was about 2.20”. Temperatures were only about 0.5ºF less than usual for maximum